Thursday, November 23, 2006

2005 Christian Salmon Sancerre

The second T-Day dinner in a row at the Dr and J's in Winston. It must be said that there were several other wines consumed at this feast, but the bottles were discarded so quickly that no record can be made, evidently in testimony to the fine quality of the vino. A lone slurper waded through the Salmon quite happily since it brought an already superb set of turkey servings to even higher heights. This was no trivial Thanksgiving drive by, sit and run affair. There were lots of "made you want to's" beginning with an extensive review of the B&C Bajan honeymoon that made you want to strap on mask, snorkel and fins. Next a goat cheese spread that made you want to go "baaa .. . ." and the surprise delivery of celebratory engagement presentos to mark the Dr. and J's big news including a cake-top Carolina blue bride and groom that made you want to go to the Dilworth chapel right now. Then the Southern Living quality, candle-lit spread of the mini-buffet in the newly restored dining suite. Time passed. We eventually moved into the fifth hour at the table sampling and resampling the oyster casserole, sweet potato casserole, turkey (two types), ham, green beans & mushrooms, stuffing, be-deviled eggs . . . . yes -- well. Also this included first introduction to some of the finest Carolinians on the planet, the Son of the Eyes from Gboro, nee Charlotte and Scotland. They politely listened to ancient history about furniture-filled van rides to Florida "we drifted in and out of consciousness" and then Deep secrets were revealed about the J such as the $7 baby-sitting fee v. Grandma story, and the unfortunate incident in the bishopial newsletter--it takes a lot of confidence to give that sort of guidance. "What attracted you at the start?" "Well we had a lot of common interests, but it was mostly the Opera .. . " After the final attack on peach pie, pecan pie, ice cream, coffee, brandy (the Sancerre long gone) the 2006 T-day was put to rest as the women moved on to gape at Dr. Dreamy and the men retired to the back deck to enjoy the snappingly clean Piedmont air. We finally closed our eyes with wild speculation on Maverick and Maverick's Jen's T-day just a few miles up the road.


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