Wednesday, January 21, 2004

1998 Williamsburg Winery Cabernet Sauvignon

V's Birthday Party. Josephine: "Kinda plumsly", "slightly tastee of plumb", "a hint of plumb", "You're not writing this down", "a nice wine, and I feel slightly smashed", A.D.: "sour, and I don't like it, especially after the 3rd bottle and I have a feeling if I have a bad headache it will either be the wine or the fact that I have three hats". Sig Other: "or no sex"; A.D.: "The wine has just a hint of drain cleaner which one hopes will not have an adverse effect on the nether regions in the morning." Sig Other: "I hope it's his!" A.D.: "However, if it does a la Winston Churchill: I will have made a significant contribution to cleaning out the main drains of the area!"; V: "I've had too much of it. Well, I have enjoyed it. It a uh, uh, a little bit of a sour aftertaste, just a little. Its not a heavy wine, quite palatable: Little sort of curranty flavor. Very nice." Teeth: "Musty" (or he might have said "musky"). Bob: "Verging on the precocious". Keena: "Legless". V: "No cinnamon". Teeth: "I did like the currant background". Keena: "Gritty teeth". Teeth: "Keena would say not enough body". A.D.: "Did you read the label? It says drink before 1998." Bob: "We used to drink wine without knowing anything about it. Then Jolly Mon came along. Occasionally tantalizing, but . . . .(temperature is important)". Teeth: "Toothy . . . Ptooie. Wow" Josephine: "Warm burgundy. You weren't meant to write this down. When you're in a pit, stop digging." Keena: "Voluptuous with many, um, surprising curves." Bob: "And undesirable side effects." Ant: "I'd like to have a comment on the wine, but No because I'm driving . . . . AGAIN!"


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